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Laura Coe, FSA, MAAA2024-02-09T18:13:57-08:00


Laura Coe, FSA, MAAA

Laura Coe joined Axene Health Partners, LLC in 2015, following a successful career at Aetna & Coventry Health Care, where she led the Specialty Products Actuarial team and provided actuarial expertise to the Pharmacy Strategic Initiatives Team. In these roles, Laura was responsible for specialty pharmacy pricing, plan design, cost containment strategies, trend analysis and strategic guidance.

Prior to Aetna, Laura was the Chief Actuary for Eckerd Health Services PBM and a Senior Consultant with Mercer Human Resources. She is an experienced actuary with over 30 years of concentrated expertise in prescription drug benefits, specialty pharmacy and PBM operations.

Laura is recognized as an actuarial thought leader and expert with respect to prescription drugs and pharmacy benefits. She has extensive experience evaluating historical drug trends, the impact of benefit design and formulary changes and the impact of new drugs entering the market. Laura was a member of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee, where she provided actuarial guidance regarding formulary decisions for Eckerd Health Services PBM, Aetna and Coventry Health Care.

Laura has volunteered with the Society of Actuaries and published a paper on The Pricing Considerations for Drugs Covered under Pharmacy Benefit Programs. She has also presented to various State legislatures, the US Senate Finance Committee and members of the US Senate and House of Representative on various topics involving prescription drug programs.

Laura holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Penn State University. She is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

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